Art Games

The Art Games in this section are designed to communicate specific feelings, experiences or emotions to those who play them. They are intended to be played in limited, specific circumstances such as at a convention. If you are interested in hosting one of these Art Games at an event, get in touch at

A game about the difficulties inherant in building communities and positive movements. Someone Is The Poison is intended to be played by those who happen upon it at a large event such as a convention.

Consisting of small envelopes containing a folded rules booklet and a number of tokens, Someone Is The Poison can be played by between 50 and 1000 people. The game requires a set location for the envelopes to be distributed from that can be returned to throughout the event.

Print & Play available for download on

A game that poses questions about competitiveness, networking activities and the gamification of basic human interactions. The Leaderboard (Why Are You Doing This?)  is intended to be played at a large gathering such as a convention.

Consisting of small envelopes containing the rules and a unique identifier code, as well as links to online forms, The Leaderboard requires a computer with a monitor and an active internet connection to be located somewhere accessible at the event.

Get in touch if you would like The Leaderboard to run at your event